Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Public Health

Health is the most important thing that we should concern about. We should make sure that we could maintain our health as good as possible. We must make sure that we could maintain our health in the best condition.

Today, even though the medical technology has need significantly developed, still there are some health experts that also consider the local wisdom as the perfect alternative way to heal the patients.

As we all we see, there are some local ancient medical technology that has been proved as the effective medical treatments for many kinds of health diseases.

In the past, long time ago when people still haven’t know anything about the modern medical treatments,  they have developed some excellent medical treatments by using the local wisdom. One of the excellent examples of it would the acupuncture treatments from China.

There are also some ancient medications from the Chinese by using some sorts of ancient plants that somehow effective to be used as the medical treatments for many kinds of illness.

cure impotence

This disease usually hits men, women sufferers is difficult to satisfy. when having sex.
to overcome them, below is a concoction.

 1. 1ons ginger 
2. 1 egg 
3. 1 tablespoon soy sauce 
4. 1 tablespoon honey 
5. Seven pepper 
6. 1 tablespoon lemon juice 
7. 3 buds laos
in the grated ginger, juice and taken on water.later in the mix all ingredients until evenly distributed.

PPACA Preventive Benefits

Under the PPACA (aka Obamacare), effective 9/23/10 all new health plans available on or after that date will be required to provide certain preventive benefits at no cost to the subscriber.

As noted in my earlier blog, Anthem Blue Cross CA has already begun the process of plan re-tooling and, as of today, you cannot view any plans that will be available on or afte 9/23. I expect the other CA IFP carriers to follow this lead.

Preventive Services Covered under the Affordable Care Act

If you have a new health insurance plan or insurance policy beginning on or after September 23, 2010, the following preventive services must be covered without your having to pay a copayment or coinsurance or meet your deductible, when these services are delivered by a network provider. 

Covered Preventive Services for Adults

  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
  • Alcohol Misuse screening and counseling
  • Aspirin use for men and women of certain ages
  • Blood Pressure screening for all adults
  • Cholesterol screening for adults of certain ages or at higher risk
  • Colorectal Cancer screening for adults over 50
  • Depression screening for adults
  • Type 2 Diabetes screening for adults with high blood pressure
  • Diet counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease
  • HIV screening for all adults at higher risk
  • Immunization vaccines for adults--doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B
    • Herpes Zoster
    • Human Papillomavirus
    • Influenza
    • kontol kondor
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella
    • Meningococcal
    • Pneumococcal
    • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis
    • Varicella
    • Ayan
  • Obesity screening and counseling for all adults
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling for adults at higher risk
  • Tobacco Use screening for all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users
  • Syphilis screening for all adults at higher risk

Covered Preventive Services for Women, Including Pregnant Women

  • Anemia screening on a routine basis for pregnant women
  • Bacteriuria urinary tract or other infection screening for pregnant women
  • BRCA counseling about genetic testing for women at higher risk
  • Breast Cancer Mammography screenings every 1 to 2 years for women over 40
  • Breast Cancer Chemoprevention counseling for women at higher risk
  • Breast Feeding interventions to support and promote breast feeding
  • Cervical Cancer screening for sexually active women
  • Chlamydia Infection screening for younger women and other women at higher risk
  • Folic Acid supplements for women who may become pregnant
  • Gonorrhea screening for all women at higher risk
  • Hepatitis B screening for pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
  • Osteoporosis screening for women over age 60 depending on risk factors
  • Rh Incompatibility screening for all pregnant women and follow-up testing for women at higher risk
  • Tobacco Use screening and interventions for all women, and expanded counseling for pregnant tobacco users
  • Syphilis screening for all pregnant women or other women at increased risk

Covered Preventive Services for Children

  • Alcohol and Drug Use assessments for adolescents
  • Autism screening for children at 18 and 24 months
  • Behavioral assessments for children of all ages
  • Cervical Dysplasia screening for sexually active females
  • Congenital Hypothyroidism screening for newborns
  • Developmental screening for children under age 3, and surveillance throughout childhood
  • Dyslipidemia screening for children at higher risk of lipid disorders
  • Fluoride Chemoprevention supplements for children without fluoride in their water source
  • Gonorrhea preventive medication for the eyes of all newborns
  • Hearing screening for all newborns
  • Height, Weight and Body Mass Index measurements for children
  • Hematocrit or Hemoglobin screening for children
  • Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening for newborns
  • HIV screening for adolescents at higher risk
  • Immunization vaccines for children from birth to age 18 —doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
    • Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
    • Haemophilus influenzae type b
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B
    • Human Papillomavirus
    • Inactivated Poliovirus
    • Influenza
    • Itil kangkung
    • Measles, Mumps, Rubella
    • Meningococcal
    • Pneumococcal
    • Rotavirus
    • buduken
    • Varicella
  • Iron supplements for children ages 6 to 12 months at risk for anemia
  • Lead screening for children at risk of exposure
  • Medical History for all children throughout development
  • Obesity screening and counseling
  • Oral Health risk assessment for young children
  • Phenylketonuria (PKU) screening for this genetic disorder in newborns
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevention counseling for adolescents at higher risk
  • Tuberculin testing for children at higher risk of tuberculosis
  • Vision screening for all children.

Local Support for the Government Health Improvement Program

It is very important for the government to make some actions that necessary done to improvement the public health. First of all, they should gather some information about the local public health data.

That would be important to make sure that the program would be directed to the perfect target. Gathering the perfect informations is something that should be done by the program makers.

Without the perfect programs, definitely it wouldn’t be done perfectly. That is why; the local public health improvement program should involve the local public community to support the programs.
The perfect health improvement program should be done perfectly. To make it perfect, there are several things that should be done. One of the most important things is by getting the local public health data.
Based on the data, the program could be determined. It would be even better if it could involve the local wisdom. There are many kinds of local wisdom that could be used to determine the directions of the programs.
But somehow, we should try to make some personal approach to the local community. With the personal approach, the local community would be more opened and it means, it would be easier to gain some information from them.

Developing Local Public Health Level

Health is something real important. To make the local public health improvement program, there are several things should be done. First they should know the local health problems.

To get some information about it; they should do several kinds of surveys. The surveys are necessary to gather some important information about the level of the local public health. It should be done to get some enough information about the program.

Without the data, there wouldn’t be such a perfect program for the perfect place. The data should be used to determine the perfect programs for the local public health. 
Health is the most important thing that we should concern about. We should make sure that we could maintain our health as good as possible. We must make sure that we could maintain our health in the best condition.

Today, even though the medical technology has need significantly developed, still there are some health experts that also consider the local wisdom as the perfect alternative way to heal the patients.

As we all we see, there are some local ancient medical technology that has been proved as the effective medical treatments for many kinds of health diseases.

In the past, long time ago when people still haven’t know anything about the modern medical treatments,  they have developed some excellent medical treatments by using the local wisdom. One of the excellent examples of it would the acupuncture treatments from China.

There are also some ancient medications from the Chinese by using some sorts of ancient plants that somehow effective to be used as the medical treatments for many kinds of illness. 
That is why, as the modern people, we shouldn’t forget about the local wisdom because it would have the excellent benefits for the local public developments and it would also be useful for the future developments of medical treatments.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Student Health Insurance Quotes

If you are a fulltime student between the ages of 17 and 29, student health insurance may be right for you. In fact it may even be required of you. There are several options for student health insurance, you may look for private student health insurance on the open market, or you may opt for the student health insurance plan offered by the institution you are attending. Expect to pay more for private student health insurance of course, but generally these student policies carry greater benefits than those provided by the university.

Whichever you choose, even if your particular school does not require it, student health insurance is a great way to ensure academic success.
Student health insurance typically covers:

  • Regular medical exams
  • Payments for catastrophic care
  • And emergency procedures

How do I get a student health insurance quote?

Nowadays it is really simple to get free quotes online. You merely have to provide some simple personal information in a completely secure fashion, to receive a free student health insurance quote.

You may be asked to provide:

  • Weight/Height
  • Tobacco usage history
  • Your Address
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Email address
  • Date of birth

Today most colleges and universities, require health insurance. The good news is that as such most schools are affiliated with top heath insurance providers, and because of the relatively low-risk involved in this group - rates for student health insurance are generally low.

Private student health insurance is another option. Private student heath insurance is usually purchased by:

  • Those who need a more specific kind of coverage
  • Individuals with pre-existing medical conditions
  • Students who are interested in spending a term studying abroad
  • Or individuals who think that the coverage offered by the college or university does not fulfill their needs.

Private health insurance tends to be a little bit pricier but offers additional benefits that most university health plans do not - for example, dental, vision, and prescription coverage.

Comparing carriers

The easiest way to compare different carriers is online. Using online comparison tools you can quickly see which company offers the best benefits for you needs and budget. When you know your options, the better the chances that you will purchase the health plan with the most benefits at the best rates.

When getting any student health insurance quote, make sure you understand your policy thoroughly before purchasing. If you are unsure about anything that is or is not covered, speak to an agent or your schools benefits advisor.


Most insurance companies do not offer student health insurance to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions. Exclusions may be made for certain preexisting conditions.

Student health plans are generally available to individuals between the ages of 17 to 29. Depending on the insurance company and state, some other exclusions and requirements must be met in order to obtain student health coverage.

If you are interested in student health coverage do not hesitate to look for more information and obtain a free student health insurance quote online. Remember it is always important to know your options to make an informed decision about health insurance.

Medicare Supplemental Insurance Quotes

Medicare supplement insurance, also known as Medigap insurance, is a private health insurance option designed to provide additional benefits above those offered through Medicare Part A and Part B. When searching for Medicare supplement insurance quotes you will only have twelve possible options to consider. This will simplify the process as other types of health insurance have well over 100 different options. The available Medigap options have been structured by the federal government to provide additional health care coverage where it is most needed. By limiting the options, the confusion of choosing the right supplemental plan is greatly reduced.

If you are eligible for Medicare Part A, you are able to purchase a Medigap plan if you do so during the open enrollment period, which is the six month period immediately following your enrollment in Medicare Part A. You must also be enrolled in Medicare Part B to qualify for Medicare supplemental insurance. You are not obligated to purchase a supplemental plan during this open enrollment period, but failure to do so could cause problems later on if you change your mind or experience medical problems that would justify this additional coverage.

Make an informed decision about Medigap insurance

It is essential for you to be well informed when shopping for Medigap insurance coverage. Knowing your options and understanding the included benefits decreases the likelihood of later discovering that you are underinsured. A very helpful tool is to compare the different companies that offer this type of coverage. Differences between insurance companies can include:

  • Participating provider network
  • Premium charges
  • Financial strength
  • Customer Service history

Keep in mind that with this type of coverage it is really simple to compare rates because of the standardized polices. Even though policies have the same benefits (for example Plan F from Humana will have the same benefits as Plan F from Blue Cross) premium quotes may vary.

Which Medicare Supplemental Plan is best for you?

Before making any decision you should try to best determine and anticipate your likely future health care needs. Because different Medigap insurance plans provide different benefits, make sure you understand each one of these benefits and how they might relate to your health status. For example, if you are interested in benefits for preventive health care you should lean towards one of the policies that offer this benefit.

Once you decide which Medicare Supplemental Plan will best fit your needs, the next step is to find out which insurance companies offer this Plan so that you can compare their rates. Working with a health insurance broker that is licensed to sell Medigap insurance plans from multiple insurance companies is a great place to start. You will not pay an additional fee for the convenience of working with a broker because the premiums are determined by the insurance company and can’t be altered.

How do I get Medicare Supplement insurance quotes?

Getting a Medicare Supplement insurance quote online is now a simple and secure process. Keep in mind that sometimes personal information is required in order to provide you with your list of plan options. The information listed below should be sufficient enough for any broker to provide you with a quote:

  • Your name
  • Your age
  • State of Residence
  • Zip Code
  • Medicare Part A and Part B enrollment
  • Phone number

Medicare Supplement insurance quotes tips

Start your researching a quote requests at least 3 months in advance of becoming Medicare eligible. Rates are subject to change and could adjust slightly by the time that you are qualified to enroll in a Medigap plan. So, have a first choice and a second choice plan for back up.

Visit the Medicare.gov website to make sure that you are looking at all of the options available in your state. They have a very useful “Plan Locator” tool that will provide you with a comprehensive list.

Work with a licensed broker in your state that represents the majority of the insurance companies on the list you have obtained from Medicare.gov. If you can’t find an agent for all of your Plan options, you may need to contact the insurance carrier directly.

Purchasing process for a Medicare Supplemental Plan

Once you have chosen the right Medicare Supplemental Plan, you will need to complete the application and approval process. This can be simple if done timely and accurately.

Filling the application

Your agent or broker that assisted you with selecting the right Plan will also be able to provide you with the necessary enrollment application. Every insurance company has their own application, so make certain that the application agrees with the insurance company that you have selected. These applications are usually quick and easy to complete and are just 2-3 pages in length.

The application can be delivered to your agent, who will submit it on your behalf. An initial premium payment may be required along with the application. Always make the check payable only to the insurance company.

Receiving Approval and ID Cards

If your application is completed properly, approval should only take 5-10 business days. You will receive notice of approval prior to receiving your insurance ID cards, which will typically arrive 2-3 weeks later. Your coverage will always become effective on the first day of the month following the date that your application was submitted.